The three body types:
Kapha / Pitta / Vata

Kapha is based on earth and water. It can be described as steady, stable, heavy, slow, cold, and soft.
People with this dosha are strong, thick-boned, and caring. They’re known for keeping things together and being a support system for others.
Kapha-dominant people rarely get upset, think before acting, and go through life in a slow, deliberate manner.
empathetic, caring, trusting, patient, calm, wise, happy, romantic, strong bones and joints, healthy immune system.
prone to weight gain, slow metabolism, sluggishness, over-sleeping, breathing issues (asthma, allergies), higher risk of heart disease, mucus buildup, susceptible to depression, needs regular motivation and encouragement.
For good health, a kapha-dominant person should focus on regular exercise, a healthy diet, maintain a warm body temperature and eating warm food, and establish a regular sleep routine.


The pitta dosha is based on fire and water. It’s commonly described as hot, light, sharp, oily, liquid, and mobile.
People with pitta are said to usually have a muscular build, be very athletic, and serve as strong leaders.
They’re highly motivated, goal-oriented, and competitive. But their aggressive and tenacious nature can be off-putting and can lead to conflict.
intelligent, purposeful, learns quickly, self-determined, masters skills easily, strong desire for success, strong, natural leaders, quick metabolism, good circulation, healthy skin and hair.
impatient, prone to conflict, always hungry, mood swings when hungry, prone to acne and inflammation, sensitive to hot temperatures.
Those with a pitta-dominant dosha should focus on work-life balance and avoid extreme heat (e.g., weather, spicy food).

Vata consists mostly of the two elements air and ether, and is generally described as cold, light, dry, rough, flowing, and spacious.
Those with the vata dosha are usually described as slim, energetic, and creative. They’re known for thinking outside the box but can become easily distracted. What’s more, their mood is highly dependent on the weather, people around them, and foods they eat.
learn quickly, highly creative, multitasker, kind-hearted, flexible, “on the go,” naturally slim
forgetful, anxious, unstable mood, can get overwhelmed easily, highly sensitive to the cold, has trouble sleeping, irregular appetite and eating patterns, prone to digestive issues and gas, poor circulation (cold hands and feet).